Thursday, December 16, 2010

Best Friends and Snow Days

Best Friends and Snow Days

"She is not afraid of the snow for her household, for all her household are clothed with scarlet."
~ Proverbs 21:31 (NKJV)

You know the scare you get when your phone rings in the middle of the night? Well, this morning at 4:45am, I was sound asleep in bed next to my husband when I got that scare. Did something happen to one of our parents? No. What about my adult step-son who lives with us and hadn't come home last night? No. My sister? No...It was the school where my son attends kindergarten. We were hit with a winter storm last night, and school was cancelled for the day. This evening was supposed to be the school Christmas program, and my heart sank. I know how excited my little boy was for this evening, and I worried that he would be upset. (I have to admit, I was looking forward to it, too. I think it's so cute to see the little ones on-stage.)

I crawled back into bed to sleep until everyone else in the house to wake up (and get warm was COLD this morning!) Around 7:15am, my 5- and 3-year olds came to our bedroom door and asked if they could get in bed with us. I love to cuddle with my babies, so of course we let them. When daylight started peaking through our window blinds, the 5-year old asked why I wasn't getting his things ready for school. I broke the news to him, expecting to see sadness in his face. Instead, he giggled and dove under the quilt, shouting, "Yay! I get to stay home with my best friends today!" I told him that his friends wouldn't be coming to our house because the roads were really bad, so they had to stay at their own houses today and explained that their show for tonight was cancelled for the same reason. He looked at me and said, "No, Mommy, You guys are my best friends.And don't worry about the program, Mommy. I can sing all my songs for you guys. Besides, I don't know all those other mommies and daddies that were gonna' come and see me tonight."  Now who wouldn't smile at that??

Bring on tomorrow!

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